Why Choose Us

25 Years Of Experience & Service For Your Confidence
Individualized Attention Provides Personalized Support
A Strong Curriculum Readies Them For Their Next Steps
Interactive Activities Foster Creativity & Social Interaction
Our Amazing Yard Stimulates Minds & Muscles Daily
All-Inclusive Enrichments Help Your Little One Grow
Your Lineleader Parent App Keeps You In The Loop 24/7
Nutritious, All-Inclusive Meals Keep Them Satisfied
Your Little One’s Safety Is Always Top Of Mind Here
Spotless Environments For Ongoing Healthy Learning

How Old Is Your Child?


6 Weeks - 12 Months


1 - 2 Years

Private Preschool

3 - 4 Years​

Georgia Pre-K

4 Years​


5 -12 Years​

Summer Camp

5 -12 Years​