Dear Parent,
In the wake of the decision regarding school opening for virtual instruction, as opposed to what several
parents hoped to be a return to in-person education, most families are asking one simple question. "How are
working parents supposed to provide support to their children during a virtual learning period?” or “what if I still
don’t feel comfortable sending my child back to in-person classroom learning”.
There are countless distractions while learning at home: whether it is a cat walking across a keyboard,
a comfy bed to lay on, a sibling goofing off or a pantry full of tempting snack, we have listened to the outpouring of these and many other valid concerns from parents.
As a result, International Preparatory Academy will be offering Virtual Learning Support for our school age students. As an effort to support working parents, we will be hosting Virtual Leaning Slots on a first come first serve basis. We want our families to know that we are in this together, and together we can
weather the storm.
We serve as a Resource Help to parents, to navigate this challenging time. As a result, we provide our Scholars with:
- A Virtual Learning Space
- 3 Meals per Day
- Identifying present academic goals
- Independent Learning
- Assistance with assigned work
- Encouragement, praise, and constructive feedback
Atlanta Preparatory also serves as a safe place for students who are under the
care and supervision of qualified educators while their parents are working to
support their families. After Virtual Learning ends, our Extra-Curricular
Classes begin, with Dance, Music, Foreign Language and Martial Arts.
What DO I Have to Do as a Parent?
As a parent, you are encouraged to reach out to your child’s teacher(s) via
email for virtual conferences as they will be available to respond.
Evidence shows the virtual learning experience is most effective when family
plays an integral role. Ideally, students will engage in a richer, more
focused learning experience if their parents support their daily learning
in/out of the classroom and access their assignments to review daily with
their child(ren).
No matter the school format (in-person/virtual), the interaction and support
of parents is necessary for achievement, encouragement, and accountability.
Parents are their child’s first teacher. No school can replace a parent’s
role, nor should it.
All Parents need to turn in this document along with all the following resources BEFORE your child(ren) start at International Preparatory Academy: