Transportation Agreement

Home Pick-up/Drop Off Only

I hereby agree that my child will not be released from the bus unless I or my authorized pick-up person personally comes to the bus to get my child or children. If the authorized person(s) is not available, I agree to plan to have my child(ren) picked up from the center and pay the fees associated with late pickup if arrival is after closing. After your child has been dropped off, International Preparatory Academy will not be held responsible for what happens to the child. I certify that I give International Preparatory Permission to Transport my child To/From the following:
From Pickup (HOME) Address:(Required)
Time (am/pm)(Required)
To Drop Off Location: CIRCLE YOUR SCHOOL LOCATION(Required)
Time (am/pm)(Required)
For the following Days: Check as needed(Required)

The Person to receive my child must be one from my authorized release list or the following:

Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY

All Full-Time Students (Evacuation ONLY)



Evacuation Location

Emory Decatur Hospital
2801 Dekalb Medical Parkway
Lithonia, GA 30058
Phone: (404) 501-8000

Person to notify in an emergency and parents cannot be reached

In the event of an emergency involving my child, and if International Preparatory Academy Cannot get in touch with me, I hereby authorize any needed emergency medical care. I further agree to be fully responsible for all medical expenses occurred during the treatment of my child.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
(Office Use Only) Witnessed by Date